I'm on high school now. surprised? me too. I learned, I watched, I heard, I sat, I stood in Gonzaga College. What I got from this school. too much. I learned many things from this school, from the ppl, the teacher. I learned about honesty, differences , discipline , time , money , lessons . and most importantly, simplicity . But, one thing that I know: It's hard to become a freshman. really hard. and certainly, No seniority here. Yay! Iya. Gue langsung berubah sejak masuk kesini, bahkan sejak hari pertama MOS. Awalnya, gue cuma ikut-ikutan kakak kelas. Tapi, lama-lama gue terbiasa. Gue lihat mereka kalo pegang hp atau nelpon atau sms, selalu sembunyi-sembunyi. Awalnya, gue pikir itu karena mereka gamau diganggu. Tapi ternyata, emang kita diajari kesederhanaan. Kesannya, emang lo kaya menghindar dari orang lain, tapi lo akan keliatan sederhana di mata orang yang ngerti. Itu cuma salah satu contoh. Disini, kita juga diajarin nilai ...
be a nomad and life will come to you