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Showing posts from March, 2009


WETA Up for Narnia Book Award March 5th, 2009 by Paul Martin WETA has been nominated for the 2009 Children’s and Young Adults Book Awards, for their book ‘The Crafting of Narnia.’ Congratulations WETA! You deserve it! Before you can film a fantasy movie, you must create an authentic world. What kind of weather is found within, what would the buildings be made of, what creatures populate its land, and what is the history behind its people? For every stunning frame of film, there have been countless hours of work to create such majesty. And what a task to bring to the screen one of the world’s most beloved children’s series, C. S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia. Akhir'a. . . gw bisa jg mendengar brita baik dari NARNIA . . . stlh shock gara2 NARNIA kmaren . . . Two Thumbs Up for CLIVE STAPLES LEWIS ....!!!!
Voyage of the Dawn Treader has a Release Date March 2nd, 2009 by : Paul Marti n Twentieth Century Fox and Walden Media will release “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” on December 10, 2010. The move means “Narnia” will once again be a winter franchise, and places it a day past the five year anniversary of the release of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in 2005. Twentieth Century Fox recently partnered with Walden on the “Narnia” film series after Disney and Walden parted ways. It was an easy fit, since Walden Media and Fox have a partnership under the Fox Walden banner. Disney was the publicity, financial support and distributor for the first two “Narnia” films. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe debuted in December 2005 and cumed $291.7 million domestically. Prince Caspian was released last May to less spectacular results, cuming $141.2 million at the North American box office. Walden and Fox believe “Narnia” is better suited for a December release.As of n...


Yes . . . !!! akhir'a gw berhasil di smt 2 ni . . . di smt 2 ni gw bru 1x remid . . tpi gw benci bgt sm remid itu , , masa gw remid agama ???? AIB BGT tau ga seh ??? benci bgt gw sm nilai itu...!!!! tapi gw ga blh nyerah , krn itu gw musti sering 2 blajar (pdhl knyataan'a ga prnh blajar tu)

Senenggg ato Sediiih ato Kecewaaa...

Jdi , wkt hri senin kmrn , gw ikt sleksi utk lomba b sunda , tpi gw ga ikt smpe akhir . . . malem'a gw telp xxx (tmn gw) , kt'a : "ren , lo ga msk lomba" dlm keadaan ngantuk , cape , laper , bru plg les ,, sapa yg ga shock denger kbr kya gtu ?? walopun gw sedih n kecewa ( kan udh brusaha semax mungkin) , tpi gw jga seneng , krn gw ga perlu cape2 ikt lat ini-itu , ga perlu dag-dig-dug pas mo lomba , n sgala macem bentuk rupa'a . . yah , , itu si takdir'a Tuhan ya . .